Sunday 21 September 2014

Typical Synopsis of 4 Indie Pop/Rock Music Videos

The 1975 - Settle Down 
The music video is completely black and white and is set in a working class industrial town. The video features 3 main scenes, two include a storyline following two boys who are being kept by their parents at home or with them at work. The other scene is of who we can assume is the lead singer. I think he is one of the older boys grown up, walking back through his old town, reminiscing of the shots shown. I interpret the story line as the two boys being in love, and despite the gay prejudice they receive from their parents who are trying to keep them apart, and the church, they still want to be together, defeating them (the falling). This gave me the idea of maybe using a child to represent my artist in some shots of my music video.

Paramore - Ain't It Fun
This music video has more of an unconventional story with the band trying to break as many world records as possible in a music video- for example: fastest time to smash 30 clocks with guitars, most vinyl records broken in a minute and most cartwheels done in 20 seconds while wearing boots. There are some lip synced shots including all 3 band members not doing any tasks but this is the only deviation from the main goal of breaking world records. (The record is now 10.) I could use these types of tasks seen in the music video as shots in my own to add some un-conventional themes to the story line. 

Coldplay - Midnight
A 1920s tune in the introduction introduces the plot of a 1920s magic show. The lyrics link to the plot line of the video as the lead singer talks about 'not want[ing] anyone else but you' as he is in love with his boss (the magicienne) but unfortuanetley, he cannot be with her until he makes her husband disappear. At the end of the music video, there is a dramatic plot twist, that he can actually perform magic instead of tricking the audience by using allusion - I could use this same idea in my own. 

5 Seconds of Summer - She Looks So Perfect 
There is no direct link (like Paramore's video) to the lyrics and the videos plot line accept for the in the chorus the line 'in my american Apparel underwear' where people strip to their underwear. The music video has a 'self pride' message with people of all ages, sexes and sizes striping near naked, exuberating with confidence.
Lots of close up shots of each band member lip syncing / playing are what we inter to do for out music video. 

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