Monday 1 September 2014

Music Video Song Choice

Kate Nash - Mouthwash

Grenre: Indie rock
Label: Fiction
released 1st oct 2007, is the 3rd single off album 'Made of Bricks'

What we liked about this song was that we had a broad spectrum of opportunities to work with. With the lyrics not telling a particular story, we don't have to stick with portraying a narrative- this will also work well with the wacky vibe of the artist and song. Because of this, we are free to use new techniques such as animation. 

We also had a lip singer in mind: she matches the sound of the song very well. We also wanted to use a secondary person as a piano/keyboard player to add an extra dimension. The song was written by a British singer and produced by a British production company, perfect as we don't have the budget to film in Los Angeles to fit the feel of the song.



This is my face
Covered in freckles
With the occasional spot
And some veins

This is my body
Covered in skin
And not all of it
You can see

And, this, is my mind
It goes over and over
The same old lines

And, this, is my brain
It's torturous analytical thoughts
Make me go insane

And I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I got a family
And I drink cups of tea

I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got familiar faces
I've got a mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna be alright
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna be alright

This is my face
I've got a thousand opinions
And not the time to explain

And this is my body
And no matter how you try and disable it
Yes I'll still be here

And, this, is my mind
And although you try to infringe
You cannot confine

And, this, is my brain
And even if you try and hold me back
There's nothing that you can gain

'Cause I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I've got a family
And I drink cups of tea

I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got familiar faces
I've got a mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna be alright
And I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna be alright
Oh oh oh oh oh oh:

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