Tuesday 23 September 2014

Audience Expectations

Interview at least four members of your 'target audience' about what they expect or would like to have included in your music video. 

We also carried out a survey on SurveyMonkey. Here are  the results:

What popular Inide Pop/Rock songs can you list? 

American Idiot - Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Coldplay, The Kooks

What  would you expect in this artist/band's music video(s)?

Guitars, crowds, parades, dark lighting, representing the album's meaning, e.g. Jake Bugg's second album was about his home town and how hard it was growing up there so was set in Clifton, Nottingham, Both are usually in a natural, urban or city like environment. For the mellow songs something chill, minimal aesthetics. For the upbeat, them jumping around, a field rave type of atmosphere and just really happy vibes;

What do you think typically happens in an Indie Pop/Rock music video?

Person singing about how they feel and walk around different places, an unusual storyline that goes with the words of the song, violence, storyline

What would you like to see in our student music video?


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